Scott called me about 6 times asking how he was going to get Austin to leave the plane...he said he would start crying when he told him it was time to go. Dottie and I howled with laughter with each phone call because Mr. Discipline--er himself seemed to be a softie! H-I-larious! I just told him to say that they were going to get ice cream or something but can you believe he actually wanted me to come get him!? (yeah, right, like I am going to be the bad guy, suck it up, buddy and practice what you preach!)
Austin didn't want ice cream, candy, gum or Scott had to pull out an old stand-by "Oh no, Austin, the man is going to come and lock the gate and we won't be able to get out!" With that, Austin hopped right into Uncle Scott's truck and home he came, tuckered out and ready for a nap!
I am glad Scott has a boy to borrow from time to time, 'cause we Luff girls are all about flying to the mall!! (Brad and Beckie, thanks for having boys! We LOOOVVVEEE them!!)