Here is "Hollywood". She is ready for her field trip to the aquatics center. She was so excited to go, she talked about it for DAYS! The morning of the field trip she told us that it was okay to wear flip flops because "ingle single kid was going to wear them!" There is NO WAY I am correcting that darling little statement! (in case you didn't understand...she meant "every single")
Here is the pooped out little swimmer when she got home, right where she likes to be: cozy bed, Dora and a baggie of apples!

Here is "Cowgirl"! She seriously wore this to school. {Dorky!}

I tried to tell her that we live in CALIFORNIA!! But, she does have those Texas roots!
I did make her push her socks down so you couldn't see them!!
Finals are upon us, so our house has become the "study zone". I have made tons of goodies the last few days! I am so sad that this tableful will all be seniors next year! :(
End of the year teacher gifts are so challenging when Shae has so many male teachers and Anna has a male teacher too. I find it hard to be creative for them. Food always seems to be the direction I can you go wrong with homemade hot fudge and a gift certificate for ice cream at Baskin Robbins?! {made with "lots of Luff" of course!}
Here are the gifts for the ladies...towels with their last names embroidered at the bottom and a Starbucks gift card so they can enjoy a yummy summer drink while relaxing by the pool!
My children are all so blessed to have had amazing teachers this year. It is impossible to adequately thank them for all they do all year long. Teachers are not paid what they deserve by any means and they invest so much in the lives of children every year!

Here is "Cowgirl"! She seriously wore this to school. {Dorky!}

I tried to tell her that we live in CALIFORNIA!! But, she does have those Texas roots!

End of the year teacher gifts are so challenging when Shae has so many male teachers and Anna has a male teacher too. I find it hard to be creative for them. Food always seems to be the direction I can you go wrong with homemade hot fudge and a gift certificate for ice cream at Baskin Robbins?! {made with "lots of Luff" of course!}
Melt 1- 1oz. square of unsweetened chocolate in a pan with a small amount of butter (to keep it from burning.) be sooo careful not to melt this too fast or it will get chunky and dry.
Add 1 cup sugar stirring into a grainy mixture.
Add a little less than 1 cup of sour cream with milk or heavy cream (whipping cream) to make a full cup. (so it is a TOTAL of 1 cup, get it?)
Bring to a boil on medium heat until it begins to thicken. Let boil about 5 minutes (on low) then add 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp butter. Mix well.
*at this point you can serve over vanilla ice cream or pour into sanitized canning jars!
I quadrupled this recipe for the purposes of canning!!
My Mom has made this recipe for as long as I can remember. We make it about once a week during the summer at camp..Delish!
Here are the gifts for the ladies...towels with their last names embroidered at the bottom and a Starbucks gift card so they can enjoy a yummy summer drink while relaxing by the pool!

Thank you teachers! See you next year!!