Well, our garage has taken the brunt of our busy lives lately, as you can see!
Scott and I were in Costco last week when I saw the most adorable cake pedestals, a set of 2 with fluted edges for only $19.99. I begged, he said NO. Then he made me a deal, I had to get rid of 5 things and I could get them! Today was gorgeous and hot, so we decided today was "garage clean out 2010".
I got right to work on my areas. See that dresser? I sent one text message and it was sold! I had to go into the house to dress Lindsay so I was gone oh, maybe 5 minutes, when I heard the familiar dribbling of a basketball.
I walked back into the garage to see that Scott was missing!
But," Michael Jordan" was in the driveway having himself a little "dunkfest".
Impressive, but don't we have a task to complete?!
Seriously, you still "got game" but let's try to stay on task.
Okay, it looks like that is out of your system, and hopefully you won't be sore tomorrow.Onward to the mess!
Wow! Look what Mama can do in between getting people dressed, loading the dishwasher, throwing in a load of clothes, loading the car with all the stuff to donate....Uh, yep, my side is totally finished {and I got rid of waaaaaay more than 5 things!!}
After switching the laundry this is what I saw! Which means he had to run into his office to get his guitar to play along with the song! (and it was a dorky Garrison Keelor song!) Okay, maybe now he will stay on task now that that is out of his system.
Anna was a trooper, organizing her doll clothes and letting go of most of the Barbies!
And I am not kidding, when I came back from dropping off the stuff in my car to the thrift store I found Scott lighting gun powder on fire on his work bench! He was tickled with himself that he had found it while cleaning and I guess if you find gunpowder, you must light it!
He may be easily distracted but he is a good boy with a BIG heart. He asked me to go out to his truck and bring him the box behind the driver's seat. I went out thinking, oh great, more distractions....
But, I found the cake pedestal set from Costco! I {love} him whether his side of the garage is clean or not!