I have been a terrible "blogger" lately. It just seemed like such an effort to get the pictures loaded onto the computer and actually sit down to write a post. All that AND it has been pretty hum drum around here.
Running a camp means cooking LOTS of food every summer, which means LOTS of food orders which means the Sysco food guy LOVES my husband! He orders high volumes of food as you can imagine. Last week was the annual food show in Sacramento. It is put on by the big food company Scott uses, Sysco.
Scott's food guy got us tickets to the food show AND 2 nights in a hotel!! We walked around the food show for maybe 2 hours and then went to the MALL! We had such a nice time just doing whatever we wanted to do and being responsible for no one! We also went to the land of wonderment and joy....IKEA!
While Scott was working in the hotel business center one afternoon I took a 2 hour NAP!! went We also went to The Cheesecake Factory for dessert...

Upon arrival it is customary to look at the yummy desserts in the case. Are you KIDDING me? The CALORIES are DISPLAYED!?

Yep, that's right...Thanks to our "Governator" here in California, it is now THE LAW to display the calories in all the desserts! The Cheesecake Factory even gives you their "calorie" book with the menu!!

I don't know about you but that looks like a day's worth of calories in ONE dessert! Sheesh!
We have been busy doing lots of other things here too...Like getting haircuts,

Lindsay was so cute at the salon. She was carrying on a full conversation with the girl cutting her hair. Shae and I were cracking up as she asked if the girl "has a husband" and then proceeded to tell her all about her cousins and where they all live and who their parents are!!

I LOVE her hair short, and it is so easy! It looks cute when she wakes up and there is minimal styling required!
One night Anna, Shae and I took a little trip over to Ross and we found these great patio lounge chairs which we called Dad about and BEGGED for, but he said "no" so we had to leave them behind.

We celebrated Austin's 4th birthday this week. Here is my best attempt at a picture of the kids. My SIL, Laurie, is The Queen of getting cute stair pictures and I.am.not.

Shae was tickled pink to announce to us one day that she is on the track team! I DO believe it is a social thing for her but whatever makes her happy!

So far she has had one track meet, she threw the shot put and got 3rd place. Pretty good for her first time EVER to do it! She said she is going to do the discus too which makes me laugh so hard I cry thinking about her spinning around in circles and THEN trying to throw something! Yikes...I think I will park faaaaaaaaar away! She is going to try the long jump and the high jump too.

The "friends" are getting a little bit sad about the school year coming to a close, so they have been spending lots of time together lately doing lunch and just spending the night at each other's houses.

Shae is the TA (teacher's aide) for 8th grade PE this year. Those 8th grade boys adore her! They even fight over her! It is no wonder though, she bakes them cookies almost every week. Tonight she let Lindsay "help".

Then they took a few minutes to look at pictures while they waited for the cookies to come out of the oven. As you can see, Lindsay doesn't really know anything about "personal space"!
Anna is playing softball now too, so we are coming and going like crazy just about every day. I will try to keep up with my blog though so, don't give up on me!! I also need to do a post on all my fun Ikea purchases, and my bedroom facelift, so stay tuned!