While Shae and I were in TJMaxx a few weeks ago, we got a phone call from Anna telling us that she and Lindsay were going on a little airplane ride with Dad. I was a little apprehensive because Lindsay had never been in Scott's plane. Her idea of a plane ride involves a flight attendant, soda, pretzels and her DVD player!!

Anna sat with her in the back and she did fine! Scott said he would ask her, "You doing okay Linny?" and she would say "yeah" real quick. She was all business. She kept the headphones on and sat perfectly still too!

Anna said she loved looking out the window. When they got back I asked if it was fun she said, "well, there wasn't any soda or pretzels." She also said that her tummy felt a little sick. She has a tendency to get car sick every once in a while, so I imagine that is what happened. Being visually impaired is what does it, I am sure. She had a great time though, and we have crossed another milestone with her!!
Softball is in full swing. Anna and 2 other 5th graders were asked to play on the Jr. High Softball team, so she has had quite a busy schedule with practice or a game every day!
This is the view from the inside viewing area/snack bar.

This week they played at the "Field of Dreams" here in Redding. It is a HUGE softball complex with batting cages, sand volleyball courts and 3 "stadiums". Anna's game was at Fenway Park!

See those "guys" in the background? They aren't real! It is amazing how authentic this place is. There are people painted all around as if the stands are full. One time Scott was going to play on Brad's men's league team and when we walked in he said. "you have to be kidding me, ALL THOSE PEOPLE are here to watch this??" It was so funny when he realized that the "people" weren't real!

Here is the little right fielder ready for action.

Anna and Tatum (another 5th grader) usually warm the bench until they have a pretty good lead, but the experience of playing with the big girls will pay off when they are the big kids!

I had to bring Lindsay with me because Scott was at Shae's track meet an hour away. She had a hamburger on the way to the game, but for some reason she wanted to eat the entire time! She kept asking me, "what else do you have, Mommy?" Them she found out there was a snack bar...Cha-Ching! $3.50 for a pretzel smaller than the ones at Target. Next time I will be "packing" that is for sure!!

It was pretty chilly the whole game, but all of a sudden it got windy and the temperature dropped to 45 degrees! Brrrrrr. Lindsay and I finished watching the game from the warm snack bar...my eyes were so watery and we were FREEZING!
April 1st was exciting day for Shae, her room assignment and roommates' names were posted to her account at Liberty!

Dorm 19, room 216!! My 2 best friends were on that floor! I was in the dorm next door. She will be tromping the same ground I did when I was a college girl!
We have a lot to look forward to, we covet your prayers as she enters this new chapter of her life.
"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me *O God! They are innumerable! I can't count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up in the morning, you are still with me!"
Psalm 139:16-18 (New Living Translation)