Today Shae Marrin is 18 years old. Eighteen.
I really can't believe how quickly 18 years has slipped by.
It seems like just yesterday it was just the two of us running errands and hanging out at home waiting for Dad to come home from a weekend at camp. We had 5 years, just the three of us. Five easy and FUN years.
God gave me YOU first and He spoiled me.
What an easy, sweet, obedient little girl.

You are a young woman now and just as easy, sweet and obedient. You are proof that "Obedience Brings Blessing." It is an absolute JOY to watch you grow in your faith. Your desire to do what is right is such a blessing to us, your parents. I pray that God will give you the desires of your heart as you trust Him with your life's path.

You are far away for the first time on your birthday and I am missing you extra today. Yet, you are right where God wants you, what better place could you possibly be?
Know that though you are in another state and in a different time zone, I will be thinking about you today and remembering the day my greatest wish and most desperate prayer was answered.
I became your Mom.

You have been such a great example to your sisters.
I am so proud of who you are.

I wish you the happiest of birthdays!
I Love You more than you can understand,
"But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
2 Peter 3:18