I was on cloud 9 when I found out that Scott and I would be able to head to San Diego for the wedding of one of our flower girls from our wedding!
Carly Marrin Olson is the youngest daughter of one of my most favorite people and best friends, Lydia.
I babysat Carly and her sisters when I was in HS and college (Carly was born during my first semester at Liberty). I always wanted to be like Lydia. Her perfect home, so clean and soooo cute, she is so talented and creative, so fun to be around, she loves her family and she had three precious daughters...what fun! Now I have three daughters myself! (and yes, I even used their names for my own girls!!)

The wedding was so beautiful and this couple is just adorable!

It seems like just yesterday Carly was walking down the aisle at MY wedding!

Haley and Lindsay (Carly's sisters) were my flowers girls too! They were so cute!

I am telling you, I LOVED this family!

You can't imagine how special it was for me to be at Carly's wedding!

It was a beautiful day along the San Diego Harbor. It was warm and there was a cool breeze blowing as the gorgeous couple took their vows. The way Ben just stared at Carly melted my heart. They.are.so.in.love.

The prayer of Jabez was the couple's blessing. How appropriate!

Here are my little flower girls, so young and cute...

and here are my flower girls all grown up and gorgeous! (Lindsay and Haley each have 2 kids!)

One of the benefits of attending the wedding was getting to see Melinda, Lydia's BFF and her beautiful daughter, Brooke. I watched Lydia and Melinda raise their children and they have both been a blessing to me! Their children are all outstanding adults. I am so thankful to have had such wonderful friends who were a few steps ahead in life to look to for guidance.

Carly and Ben's cake was out of this world! De-lish! Carrot cake with cream cheese filling for one layer and chocolate with light chocolate mousse for the other...and yes, I tried them both!

Check out this cute cake topper...one of Carly and Ben's first dates was snowboarding, they are both very athletic and love the outdoors.

I am so grateful to have had such a friend as Lydia in my life for so long!
(Um, yes...I got married in the late 80's, can you tell by the ghastly hat?!)

I cherish our friendship and admire her more with each passing year!

Lydia did a phenomenal job putting the wedding together herself. No detail was overlooked. I saw with my own eyes the full color drawing of the layout for the paper lanterns! Talk about organized!

Look at the boards with the table assignments!!

Notice that the pink letters are the letters in Ben and Carly's names....details, people!

The "Candy Bar" was out.of.control!

My friend, Sheila, and I were glad our table was conveniently located right next to the sweets!

There were little signs in some of the candy like, "Carly's favorite, Ben's favorite", the foil wrapped chocolate softballs said "Carly spent a lot of time on the softball field" and the gummy worms said, "Ben's favorite past time is fishing". So thought out and so adorable!
(I happen to know where you can get one of those banners if you find yourself needing one like it!)

Lydia's sister, Fran was one of my HS idols...she was the coolest girl ever! She could sing like no body's business and she was always flashing that beautiful smile! It was extra fun hanging out with her during the wedding AND at The Hotel Del Coronado later that night with Lydia and her other darling sister, Kelly, the husbands and some of Kelly's grown kids!

Love is a true gift and I am so glad Carly found it!
Last weekend being around so many people that helped shape me into who I am today was one of my most favorite things I have done in years! I will not let so much time pass before I go back to San Diego to get another dose of hometown love!!
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Puyleart!
{and Lydia...I am "booking" you right now for when I have to put a wedding together!}