On October 6, 1997 the sweetest baby girl with dark hair and dark {perfect} eyebrows was born. What a happy day! It took five years for Shae to get a little sister. You were so worth the wait!
I could not believe that God would give me another baby.
You were so beautiful. Shae had been bald with blond eyebrows, so it was a wonderful surprise to see this precious dark haired baby!
You have brought us so much joy and laughter. You have the funniest sense of humor and you don't miss a thing! Your laughter, is music to my ears.
What a blessing you have been to our family!
We came so very close to losing you when you were only 8 months old. But, God answered our desperate prayers and he allowed us to keep you with us. You are not exactly the daughter that I assumed you would be or that you were for your first 8 months of life. You are special. I still can't believe God trusted me with one of His precious gems!
You have been through so much in these thirteen years and I have learned so much from you.
Your love is unconditional and deeply genuine. Everyone who knows you, loves you. You say the most precious things and give hugs, kisses and "I love yous" freely.
You are so innocent and refreshing.
You still love Dora {and that is okay with me}.
I am so so lucky to be your Mom!
We had a little birthday dinner for Lindsay with some really fun guests!
Cousins are the best! Gavin and Austin are fun playmates and so loving and patient with Lindsay. All of her cousins love her and patiently accept the (hard) hugs and kisses she longs to bestow upon them, I am so grateful for that. She is accepted just the way she is!
Lindsay wanted steak with sweet potatoes for dinner...not chicken enchiladas! Shocking!!
She also wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I am thankful that Anna likes to bake and decorate cakes!
We all sang to the new teenager. {Eek!}
And thank goodness she had help blowing out all those candles!
Lindsay, life would be so lonely and even boring without you in our family. You bring a light and joy to our days {and sometimes our nights!} You are not the same little girl that was born on October 6, 1997, but you are who GOD planned you to be and THAT is even better!
I love you!
"You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."
"How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God. How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with you."
Psalm 139:13-14, 17-18
What a gem you have. You are truly blessed!!
What a sweet post, Inger! Lindsey was and still is a beautiful child! I know she brings so much happiness to the Luff home:)
Happy Birthday, sweet Lindsey!! Oh, and I love the picture of her with the Dora book. How cute:)
I am behind on blogs but Happy Belated Birthday, Lindsey. This was such a sweet post, Inger. Lindsey it such a special girl. I wish I could meet her in person. She also has a great mommy.
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