Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lindsay's Happy Day

Today Shae and I went to Lindsay's Special Ed. class to make Valentine cookies and magnets with her class. Her teacher didn't tell her we were coming, so she was VERY happily surprised when Shae walked in (during her own lunch period ). This picture tells it all!!
This wasn't hard for most of the kids, but Lindsay doesn't have great vision (or fine motor skills) so she has to work so hard to do the things the others do with no problem. She loved every minute of decorating this cookie!
Here are some of Lindsay's friends, including her BEST friend, Leslie Lamanuzzi (standing). Lindsay calls her "Weswie Wamanuzzi" though (how cute is THAT??) They have been in the same class since Kindergarten...Lindsay is "legally blind" and Leslie is deaf--makes for a PERFECT friendship, don't you think???!!! Hahahaha!
Here is the reason we bring everyone their OWN plastic knife, and Shae stays near so we don't have any double dipping!! :) but, seriously, who could resist!?
Shae gets lots of offers for dates when we visit Lindsay's class, and today was no exception!
Here are the boys "being cool"...they LOVE having their picture taken but want to see it right after I take it..what did kids do before digital cameras?
Shae has 3 male teachers and Anna has we made them chocolate chip cookies for Valentine's Day. I didn't think they would like socks with hearts on them, polka dot mugs or stationary with their initials like the ladies are getting!!
Phew...cupcakes are all done, finally! It is only 9:30 pm so I am ahead of schedule, but you should see my kitchen! (Shae said I should have put a picture of it on here!)

Happy Valentine's Party Day! ( I will be at Anna's school tomorrow!)


Kim said...

I haven't seen Leslie for a few years since she was at Rother. She looks so tall and grown up. I'll bet the teacher and students were thrilled to have you come! You brightened many lives today!

Momofgirls said...

Kim. Leslie is growing her hair out for "locks of love"!!! It is the thickest hair I have ever seen! (and I have VERY thick hair, so do my girls!!)
Leslie talks so much now too and what a sweet friend she is to Lindsay!

Katie said...

I bet all the kids had a blast, it's important to have fun days at school like this.

And who can resist licking the knife when frosting? At least she used a knife, mine always wants to dip her finger in the can and use that to frost.

Nikki said...

How sweet! I love hearing your stories about Lindsay. She is so cute. I laughed when you said Lindsay is almost blind and Leslie is deaf. I can just imagine their sweet and funny friendship. And she is so lucky to have such thoughtful sister...and mother!

Happy Valentines Day!

Unknown said...

I LOVE this post. I want to go visit that class! You're such a good mommy and Shae's a sweet big sister! I could eat that little Lindsay to pieces. PUNKIN!

Donna said...

Inger, that was such a sweet post! I loved reading it and I would have loved to have gone with y'all to visit that class. I wanted to hug those kids...especially Lindsey, her BFF and that sweet little Downs Syndrome girl on the right in that picture! HOW CUTE!! I bet Lindsey felt like such a special girl.

Cute teacher's gifts, too.

Dolly said...

Ah, Inger, I loved reading this post too. Lindsay is such a sweet little girl and I bet it meant the world to her when she saw you and your daughter walk in her class. That was really nice. And those cc cookies looked so YUMMY! Good job on those cupcakes too.

Kristi Smalley said...

Inger, I admire any mother of a special needs child because every day is such a challenge. My sister has a daughter who is profoundly handicapped. You are a good mommy Inger!

Momofgirls said...

Hey Donna, that " sweet little downs girl" runs off!!!

We wanted to take the kids' pictures individually for a frame we are making for Mother's Day, and I wanted to take the pictures outside, but the teacher said that Katie would run away!!! Lindsay always comes home with stories of Katie hiding under the desk or "running from door to door"! NOW i believe her!!

Special Ed teachers deserve special gifts! I made Mrs. Long a cute blanket for V day! (cause Lindsay "wuvs" her!!)

I wish you all could meet Lindsay too..she is so much fun! We will be in Lynchburg in September for a Youth Alive reunion!! Maybe we can hook up along the way!!

Jennifer said...

Inger, you're right about Special Ed teachers...they are definitely gems!!! Lindsay is so lucky to have such a great mom and such wonderful sisters...and you're SO lucky to have her just the way she is.

Kasey said...

I love the cupcake idea. So clever. Love to read about great families like you! THanks for stopping by my hubby's blog!!