Friday, January 16, 2009

Now That Was Just "Plane" Fun

Scott has had his pilot's license for almost 7 years now. He has flown tons of people to the airport in Sacramento and other places. The kids who come out to work at camp in the summer usually try to get him to pick them up so they can fly into Redding with him. He and his brother (the giver of the plane) just flew airplanes full of gifts into Mexico before Christmas (a pretty long flight from Dallas to Tampico) Shae and Anna have both flown with him, and some of Shae's friends too! I.Had.Never.Been. It really isn't that I don't trust him, I really don't enjoy commercial flights either! (and sometimes I don't like Scott's driving in his truck!!) Today I got up my nerve and asked if we could go for a ride!!
The weather was perfect (ok, there were a few bumps, but I remained calm!) It was a little windy in Willows( which explained the bumps) where we had breakfast at Nancy's Airport Cafe.
Breakfast was yummy, so with our tummies full, off we flew, over the beautiful north state back to Redding Airport. It was impressive to hear Scott communicate with the Redding tower and Oakland Center!! I can't believe he understood what they were saying and was able to communicate back just as quickly!
The Sacramento River {from the sky!}
A perfect landing onto Redding's runway 34! Thanks for the ride, Scott, I would LOVE to go again (just not over any mountains!)
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Melissa said...

That looks like so much fun! Great pics!

Kim said...

I'm proud of you for going! And you want to go again! That's wonderful! Kind of how I feel when my hubby wants to go for a motorcycle ride. :-)

Denise said...

How very cool!

jday said...

Geez, all I get for "date night" is a Chick-fil-A dinner and a sub-par movie!! That is such special time with your man, Inger!

Beckie Luff said...

Good for you Inger! That looks like so much fun and reminds me of when I used to get to fly with my Dad. It is an awesome experience and gives you a different perspective on everything. I would LOVE to fly with Scott sometime!

The boys and I are looking forward to seeing you soon! :)

Dolly said...

How fun! Good for you for getting the nerve up to go riding. I bet your man was soooo happy and proud to take you too. Love the pictures!

Jennifer said...

Girl, you're one brave woman! I'm sure your hubby is very safe, but small planes give me the shakes...can't do it. Beautiful scenery and what a cool date!

Kristi Smalley said...

Amen, Jennifer. I don't like heights. Way to face your fear, Inger.

LauraB172 said...

YEAH,INGER!!! That was just the tip of the iceburg for all the fun flyin' times ahead!! Let's plan a trip!!!