Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Anna Fay!

 Today this fun loving little girl turns 12!
 I don't know where the years have gone.  It seems as though you were born yesterday, Anna.  You were a little bitty 6 lb. 12oz. baby with some BIG lungs!  You were considerate of others even on the day you were born, your sisters BOTH decided to be born in the middle of the night.  Not you!  You gave us a full night's sleep AND gave me ALL day to get showered and fixed, then at 2:48pm. you made your grand entrance into this world!
 Lindsay didn't quite understand "what" you were...
 But her love and adoration for you was quickly recognized!!
 Our family was complete when you arrived. 
 Thank you for being such a precious part of our family.  YOU are the reason Lindsay can talk, I am sure.  You constantly helped her make the proper sounds to form her words as she struggled to talk,  you changed her diapers, washed her in the bathtub, read books to her and loved her without reserve.
 God KNEW I needed YOU to help me through this life.  You have to be the most thoughtful, patient and giving person I know.  The notes you leave for me almost always make me cry!
 You are kind to everyone and include everyone!
 You are loyal and precious!
I love you more than words can express!  I am so proud to be your Mom.  I hope you have a wonderful birthday and a fantastic first year in Jr. High!

"The LORD has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes!"
Mark 12:11


Kim said...

What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. Happy birthday Anna!

Donna said...

That was sweet, Inger! I loved looking at the pictures of your family and you sweet Anna! By the way, you looked great when she was born---full makeup?!!

Happy Birthday, Anna!

Momofgirls said...

Yes, Donna! Full makeup!! She was a good girl and gave me a chance to be fully rested AND take a shower, do my hair and apply the makeup! Not to mention...i only gained 8 pounds with her AND I lost 22 at the hospital??!!! I told Scott he should have let me have one more baby and I would have kept it off!