We have been going from one thing to another around here. I feel like a need a secretary or a personal assistant!
I did, however,
make time to put out a few little Valentine's Day decorations (Anna and Lindsay LOVE holiday decor)
okay, so do I!!
My "Southern Living at Home~ Dress Me Up Plate", is one of my favorite things.
(Thank you, Dawn Smith!)

I couldn't think of a more appropriate verse about "true love" than John 3:16.
The mantle is something I look at every.single.day. so I put most of my little touches there.
(go check your local Kohl's to see if they have any of these precious mercury glass candlesticks on the Christmas clearance section for $2.99 like ours did!)

It's funny how just a few little bits of pink and red can get you feeling all festive.

Our weather has been so beautiful for the past few weeks. It has been in the mid 70's, so Lindsay has been doing a lot of "chalking" outside. Just about every inch of our patio and sidewalks have her little "drawings" (which are honestly usually just scribbles). She ventured to the front yard one evening while waiting for Grandma and Papa to come to dinner and we literally were blown away by what we saw.

I asked her what she drew and she said, "A fwower garden, Siwwy". Duh.

Now THAT, is what I call
a blessing.
Another HUGE turn Lindsay has taken is her tolerance at the dentist. Yesterday was the third cleaning she has endured completely from start to finish, including the fluoride treatment AND X-rays! (In the past, we have had to drive an hour to another dentist who puts kids like her under sedation to do the work.)

It helps to have Daddy there.

It also helps to be in charge of your own suction tube thing-y to use whenever you feel like you need it!

Anna got her bottom braces on and her teeth cleaned at the same time. AND, the BIGGEST NEWS is that Lindsay has done so well over the last few visits, that Dr. Petras says she can have braces too!! She is OVER THE MOON about it (until she actually has them on, I am sure!!) Hers will be a limited version of what normal kids would have. We are NOT going for perfection here, I told him we just want to get those"Bucky Beavers" under control! (of all of our girls, Lindsay's teeth are the most crooked~of course. She was also the one with ear tubes. If it CAN happen, it will happen to Lindsay. Poor thing.)
And to think that I was so happy that none of my girls sucked their thumbs, thinking that we wouldn't have to deal with braces...UGH!
Now to figure out a way to
pay for them along with Anna's braces AND Shae's college tuition...
uh, the the big space between Shae and her sisters (unintentional) seemed like it was working in our favor for a little while there...

In the midst of our crazy lives these last few weeks, Lindsay got a very special phone call,

from her "Best Buddy EVER" at camp, Micah. He has graduated college and is living in South Carolina with his family...but we are hoping he might have time to come to camp this summer!

Anna's schedule is getting busy too. Basketball is twice a week, which keeps us hopping, but it is fun!

It's fun to have a friend from school on your team, and Aubrey is a fun one!

She's turning into an aggressive little player too! (much to her Dad's delight!)
Speaking of her dad...along with all his other talents,

it turns out, He's quite a "stripper". ;)

My purple (garage sale score) furniture is 1/3 ready to be painted. The bench is completely stripped and sanded (not that I did any of it..I got weary of the whole process after doing one of the flat side pieces...). Scott warned me that it is not as easy as "all those bloggers make it look... blah blah blah" (I stopped listening right around there).
There is a chair AND a precious dressing table still in my garage as of right now (but they live here under the constant threat of "being loaded up and taken to the Salvation Army!") and they are still purple. I'm not sure they will be sticking around here much longer. I am hoping to find my personal stripper (and his change of heart) out there working on them soon though.
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Love your Valentine goodies & Lindsay's artwork.....but Scott's stripping....now that takes the cake! LOL
Had NO idea what your blog title meant. Had all kinds of things running through my mind. You had me laughing so hard at the end! Love your blog; love you!
Scott's stripping is definitely worthy of blog-mention. ;-) Loved Lindseys artwork especially and seeing how well she did at the dentist as well. What great kids!
I am guilty of the same exact scenario. Why must people paint such beautiful furniture purple? So that I can see its potential, only to leave it in the garage until my hand "stripper" takes pity on me and my many items! LOVE IT and him. Good Job Scott!
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